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Dati Aperti bibLIoteca Area bologna

HERMES Training Kit (Output 3)


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On June 28, 2023 at 1:17:00 PM UTC, dmazza Debora:
  • Updated description of resource 3 - Instruments for Effective Resource Sharing in HERMES Training Kit (Output 3) from

    VIDEO: "Instruments for Effective Resource Sharing" by Joseph James Lenkart. What makes a topic 'good'? What sources and instruments can we consider for a research project? The lecturer: J. Lenkart is the head of the Slavic Reference Service and associate professor at the University of Illinois (USA).
    VIDEO: "Instruments for Effective Resource Sharing" by Joseph James Lenkart. What makes a topic 'good'? What sources and instruments can we consider for a research project? The lecturer: J. Lenkart is the head of the Slavic Reference Service and associate professor at the University of Illinois (USA). Learning Outcomes: • Use a variety of search tools at the local, regional, and international levels to verify and locate materials for ILL request processing • Recognize that transliteration systems, diacritics, national bibliographies, indexing sources, and publication history play an important role in the search process • Evaluate different types of search tools and indexing sources Course Description: ILL professionals encounter a plethora of search tools and resources that help process thousands of requests at public, academic, special, and national libraries. Join ILL librarians as we discuss and share perspectives on a variety of search tools for effective resource sharing. Instructors will share search strategies, as well as tips and suggestions for improving ILL processes. All are welcome to join us! Course Goals: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will understand the importance of consistently using search tools and indexing sources in a variety of formats to resolve general and complex ILL queries. Upon successful completion of this course, each trainee will be able to: • Identify major search tools at the regional and international levels • Utilize subscription based and open access indexing sources to search collections for materials in multiple formats and languages