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Dati Aperti bibLIoteca Area bologna



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On January 8, 2025 at 2:37:20 PM UTC, proambiente Proambiente SCRL:
  • Renamed resource Data of station PGE_CHANGE44_STATION - day 2024-03-13 to Data of PGE_CHANGE44_STATION - day 2024-03-13 in PGE_CHANGE44_STATION

  • Updated description of resource Data of PGE_CHANGE44_STATION - day 2024-03-13 in PGE_CHANGE44_STATION from

    # Data for station PGE_CHANGE44_STATION of day 2024-03-13 ## File metadata: ### 1037 records, from 06:43:00 to 23:59:00 ### column list * STATION_ID: univoque identification of the station: integer value; * STATION: the name of the Station; * DATE_TIME: the date and time in local time (expressed as yyyy-mm-ddThh:ss:mi); * CO2: CO2 value expressed in ppm (part per milion), decimal with 2 digits; * T: temperature value in celsius (expressed in decimal degrees); * RH: relative humidity (expressed in percent); * EVENT: a field dedicated to describe the events in the classroom (people present, activities, etc...), (character); * WIN_STATUS: the status of the windows of the room where data are collected (boolean open/closed); * LOCATION: a filed dedicated to describe the position of the station inside the school building (character). * LAT: latitude of the Station (Decimal degrees in WGS84 EPSG:4326); * LON: longitude of the Station (Decimal degrees in WGS84 EPSG:4326);
    # Data for station PGE_CHANGE44_STATION of day 2024-03-13 ## File metadata: ### 1037 records, from 06:43:00 to 23:59:00 ### column list * STATION_ID: univoque identification of the station: integer value; * STATION: the name of the Station; * DATE_TIME: the date and time in local time (expressed as yyyy-mm-ddThh:ss:mi); * CO2: CO2 value expressed in ppm (part per milion), decimal with 2 digits; * T: temperature value in celsius (expressed in decimal degrees); * RH: relative humidity (expressed in percent); * EVENT: a field dedicated to describe the events in the classroom (people present, activities, etc...), (character); * WIN_STATUS: the status of the windows of the room where data are collected (boolean open/closed); * LOCATION: a filed dedicated to describe the position of the station inside the school building (character). * LAT: latitude of the Station (Decimal degrees in WGS84 EPSG:4326); * LON: longitude of the Station (Decimal degrees in WGS84 EPSG:4326);