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HERMES Training Kit (Output 3)


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On June 28, 2023 at 1:14:51 PM UTC, dmazza Debora:
  • Updated description of resource 2 - Resource discovery. Use cases in the academic field in HERMES Training Kit (Output 3) from

    VIDEO: "Resource discovery. Use cases in the academic field" by Stephanie Krueger. Understanding user-based service through three real cases: What do researchers need to know? Different needs, different media. The lecturer: Stephanie Krueger is an independent academic consultant. She works with students and researchers from many institutions, including the Czech National Library of Technology, the Czech Technical University and the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague. Learning Outcomes: • Improved understanding of how instructors and researchers, at different levels of their career, use academic library resources (through case studies from embedded work with them). • Deeper knowledge of the challenges instructors and researchers face in gaining access to the information they need, including why your library needs to be visible in the online space. • Knowing where to get assistance in finding information your institution does not have access to. • Comprehension of how academic libraries’ efforts intersect with open initiatives (including open publishing and open data), and why open initiatives are being discussed by instructors and researchers.   Course Description: This lecture course will provide library/information specialist professionals with a deeper understanding of the instruction and research process at their institutions, through the use of selected case studies. This understanding will help attendees improve their services, both in-person and in the online space. Course Goals: Upon successful completion of this course, each trainee will be able to: • Communicate more easily with instructors and researchers at their institutions. • Be able to present to others how their library’s online presence might be improved (and why this may be necessary). • Formulate what constitutes a good “academic resource experience.” • Find help for gaining access to resources not available at their institutions. Recommended reading prior to workshop: Krueger, S. (2017). Letting Traditional Boundaries Blur: A Case Study in Co-Developing STEM “Excellence” Courses. Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences. Paper 1. Other Readings: Krueger, S. (2021-present). STEMskiller, skill set map for mentors of early career researchers. STEMskiller: read/learn/share with mentors
    VIDEO: "Resource discovery. Use cases in the academic field" by Stephanie Krueger. Understanding user-based service through three real cases: What do researchers need to know? Different needs, different media. The lecturer: Stephanie Krueger is an independent academic consultant. She works with students and researchers from many institutions, including the Czech National Library of Technology, the Czech Technical University and the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague. Learning Outcomes: • Improved understanding of how instructors and researchers, at different levels of their career, use academic library resources (through case studies from embedded work with them). • Deeper knowledge of the challenges instructors and researchers face in gaining access to the information they need, including why your library needs to be visible in the online space. • Knowing where to get assistance in finding information your institution does not have access to. • Comprehension of how academic libraries’ efforts intersect with open initiatives (including open publishing and open data), and why open initiatives are being discussed by instructors and researchers.   Course Description: This lecture course will provide library/information specialist professionals with a deeper understanding of the instruction and research process at their institutions, through the use of selected case studies. This understanding will help attendees improve their services, both in-person and in the online space. Course Goals: Upon successful completion of this course, each trainee will be able to: • Communicate more easily with instructors and researchers at their institutions. • Be able to present to others how their library’s online presence might be improved (and why this may be necessary). • Formulate what constitutes a good “academic resource experience.” • Find help for gaining access to resources not available at their institutions. Recommended reading prior to workshop: Krueger, S. (2017). Letting Traditional Boundaries Blur: A Case Study in Co-Developing STEM “Excellence” Courses. Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences. Paper 1. Other Readings: Krueger, S. (2021-present). STEMskiller: read/learn/share with mentors