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Dati Aperti bibLIoteca Area bologna

HERMES Training Kit (Output 3)


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On June 28, 2023 at 1:21:50 PM UTC, dmazza Debora:
  • Updated description of resource 4 - Open Access ethics matters. Legal, national, and EU mandates in HERMES Training Kit (Output 3) from

    VIDEO: 'Open Access ethic matters. Legal, national, and EU mandates' by Ibrahim Farah. What are the disadvantages of the traditional publication system? What is the open access publication model? What are institutional repositories? How does the EU support open access? The lecturer: Ibrahim Farah is a teacher of Library and Information Science and a librarian at Balamand University Libraries (Lebanon).
    VIDEO: 'Open Access ethic matters. Legal, national, and EU mandates' by Ibrahim Farah. What are the disadvantages of the traditional publication system? What is the open access publication model? What are institutional repositories? How does the EU support open access? The lecturer: Ibrahim Farah is a teacher of Library and Information Science and a librarian at Balamand University Libraries (Lebanon). Learning Outcomes: • Understand the purpose of copyright • Apply copyright principles to resource sharing • Understand copyright exceptions and apply them • Understand the basics of licensing and apply them • Understand how licensing differs from copyright • Gain a basic understanding of controlled digital lending (CDL) Course Description: Provides a basis for understanding how national and comparative international copyright laws, licensing agreements, and their interaction with each other impacts the operation of resource-sharing systems. Will discuss the changing role of interlibrary loan services during and after the COVID 19 pandemic crisis in terms of copyright, licensing, and international agreements. Upon successful completion of this course, each trainee will be able to: • provide a basic explanation of copyright and licensing; • distinguish between what is copyrighted and what is not; • examine resource sharing practices to determine if they comply with copyright or comply with digital resource licenses; • explain how licensing differs from copyright; • Trainees will be able to define controlled digital lending (CDL).