- Name:
- URL:
- change
- Description:
- CHANGE is a European Project funded in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme (Key Action KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training). The Project partners are: an Italian Research Institute (__PROAMBIENTE S.C.R.L.__ – Project Leader, Italy, https://www.consorzioproambiente.it/it/ ) and __four VET secondary schools__ from: Bulgaria (__Profesionalna Gimnazia Po Elektronika "JOHN ATANASOFF"__, http://www.pgeja-sz.com), Italy (__Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “BELLUZZI-FIORAVANTI”__, https://www.belluzzifioravanti.it/), Romania (__Liceul Tehnologic “MIRSA”__, https://ltmarsa.ro/) and Spain (__Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional “VALLE DE ELDA”__, http://www.cipfpvalledeelda.com). CHANGE aims at developing a STEM didactic pathway centered on CO2 monitoring in schools, and its main objective is providing students with digital skills (system integration, programming and data processing) and raising their awareness on multidisciplinary topics like IAQ monitoring, climate change, energy efficiency, raw materials and open data.
- Parent organization:
- In homepage:
- true
- Image:
- 2022-12-01-081221.621893photo2022-12-0109-14-39.jpg