Training activities in BRAIN@WORK Project have a multiple meaning and scope:
- INTENSIVE COURSES – first of all we needed to know better experiences and practices already existing within the Team in order to learn from each other and make our initial knowledge more homogeneous. Up to now out Team participated to 4 short term staff trainings events in Belgium, in Spain, online and in Portugal. - PILOT COURSES – to try out within our own organizations the training methodology we selected. We realized the pilot course “How to choose scientific journals? Find, evaluate and select it” in Italy, Latvia and Belgium. - TRAINING OF TRAINERS – to share with colleagues in other organizations our experience about educational strategies in Information Literacy for STEM disciplines. The course took place in February-March 2022. - AUTONOMOUS LEARNING COURSE – to widen access to the contents of our courses to as many people as possible and make them availableat each one’s pace.

This dataset contains some of the documents produced during the training activities.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Author Stefania Marzocchi, Debora Mazza
Last Updated September 18, 2023, 07:43 (UTC)
Created September 11, 2023, 07:49 (UTC)